Free material + 4K video sales collaboration
Nowadays, edging out a still image from 4K video is easy. As a new challenge at Pakutaso, we are starting a collaboration project with the largest royalty-free stock video and music marketplace in Asia "MotionElements" - creating Pre-keyed with Alpha channel 4K video (RAW) and still images for stock elements. Our first joint collaboration offers you Greenscreen footage which you can edit easily!
Buy Stock Video and Audio from MotionElements
MotionElements ""ME"" is the largest royalty-free marketplace in Asia for worldwide stock video and music content. Focused on motion creators, MotionElements offers a fully localized experience for stock media buyers and sellers across Asia and the world. Spice up videos with more than 1.3 Million of stock footage, animations, music, 3D models, After Effects and Apple Motion templates, while enjoying peace of mind with MotionElements' transparent, royalty-free licensing.
ME has since set up an office in Japan with Japanese sales support team - offering full on ground service support to the JA market. Content contributors to ME from around the world and especially local Japanese contributors are fast increasing monthly. our content library continues to grow steadily, more than doubling every year.
Most popular category : Greenscreen 4K video
We will also share tips on how you can use 4K pre-keyed with alpha channel videos in your project.
In this collaboration, the model is professionally filmed with a greenscreen background. We are providing all the videos pre-keyed with alpha channel - No keying required! Be as creative as you want - changing backgrounds is now very easy! Our premium quality 4K video also allows you the flexibility to reframe your shot sizes without any quality loss.
※ All videos come with model releases allowing for commercial use. All standard MotionElements Terms and Conditions remain applicable.
Besides 4K videos, free stock photos are also available on Pakutaso site.
Below is an example of how it looks when you replace the background.
透過加工にトライ! 写真素材の背景色の種類と背景を簡単に・キレイに抜く方法【静止画】